Alcohol Awareness: The Hidden Risks & Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol
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Alcohol Awareness: The Hidden Risks & Dangers of Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Did you know because of the effect alcohol can have on the brain, it is actually considered a drug? It’s a fact, the more alcohol you drink the more it can reduce your ability to think clearly and slow down your ability to respond, similar to the way other drugs affect the body. Any substance…

The Long Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

The Long Term Effects of Alcohol Abuse

It’s no secret that alcohol consumption can cause major health problems related to the liver. After all, the liver is the body’s filter. It is exposed to every drop of alcohol you consume. But the long-term effects of consuming too much alcohol—of alcohol abuse—are not limited to this one organ. According to WedMD, researchers have…

Binge Drinking: It’s Just for Fun

Binge Drinking: It’s Just for Fun

What is binge drinking? It’s a term you’ve likely heard before, and you probably associate it with drinking too much. And you would be right. In its simplest terms, “binge drinking” refers to the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short amount of time. It’s an activity seen by students, working adults,…