6 Factors That May Affect Postpartum Depression

The birth of your child is an amazing moment and a wonderful cause for celebration. Whether this is your first or tenth baby, every birth is different and affects your body, your family and your relationship in beautiful yet complex ways. Because of these changes, you may experience mood swings and strong emotions that don’t…

Reduce Your Risk of Substance Abuse & Addiction

Reduce Your Risk of Substance Abuse & Addiction

There is no perfect method for preventing substance abuse and addiction. There are, however, ways to reduce your risk of developing a substance use disorder. We’ve taken the time to pull together eight actions you can take and share with those you care about. 8 Ways to Reduce Your Risk Preventing substance abuse and addiction…

Substance Abuse & Addiction Are Mental Illnesses

Substance Abuse & Addiction Are Mental Illnesses

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) reports a “definite connection between mental illness and the use of addictive substances.” Most will not dispute that untreated mental illness can (and does) lead to self-medication. When people self-medicate, they often turn to addictive substances – like alcohol, cigarettes, and illicit drugs. But there is another side…