America Turns a Blind Eye to Nationwide Addiction Problem

America Turns a Blind Eye to Nationwide Addiction Problem

According to the Huffington Post, addiction is America’s most neglected disease. In today’s society, we often think of addiction as a choice. We pressure loved ones to stop their addictive habits and get clean, but we fail to understand the facts about their addiction. In essence, we contribute to the growing problem of America turning…

Acetyl Fentanyl Could Hit Charlotte’s Streets

Acetyl Fentanyl Could Hit Charlotte’s Streets

Last winter, a headline in The Charlotte Observer read, “Two powerful street drugs behind recent overdoses across NC.” The story, covered by Thomasi McDonald, opened with a reference to a warning issued by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) in the winter of 2013. The NCDHHS warned about the arrival of acetyl…