Underage Drinking: 5 Tips for Talking to Your Teen

Underage Drinking: 5 Tips for Talking to Your Teen

Serious conversations are never easy. There’s this impending sensation of doom that stifles the air when someone says, “We need to talk.” It doesn’t matter if the talk is delivering the best or worst of news; those four little words make your stomach drop, heart race, and alarm bells blare in your brain. So if…

For Parents: 3 Signs Your Teen is Abusing Drugs

For Parents: 3 Signs Your Teen is Abusing Drugs

Chances are you know your child better than anyone. You can pick them out of a crowd with eagle-like precision. No matter their age or appearance, you will always recognize your child because you’ve been there for them from day one. But can you as easily recognize the signs indicating you teen is abusing drugs?…

Prepping Your High Schooler for a Drug-Free Year

Prepping Your High Schooler for a Drug-Free Year

Your teen is a talker. You may not always see or hear it, but they are engaged in conversations almost all of the time. Since the rise of texting, chatting, and social media, there are more ways than ever to connect and converse. Being a parent is fraught with new challenges because today’s high-tech ways…

The Advance of Teen Drug Abuse

The Advance of Teen Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is often associated with illicit use of illegal street drugs like heroin and cocaine. But the advance of teen drug abuse appears in a place you might not expect. According to an article Dr. Manny Alvarez published at FoxNews.com, prescription drug abuse is a growing problem amongst teens, aggravated by increasing availability. We…