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The Importance of Hiring a DWI Attorney for Your DWI Charge

Drunk driving—what does it bring to mind? If you’ve been charged with a DWI, you’re thinking of a serious, scary scenario. Driving while impaired is a serious offense in North Carolina, one capable of canceling your freedoms, and destroying your reputation. The importance of hiring a DWI Local Counsel for your charge should not be…

Help Us Spread The Word About Teen Dating Violence

Help Us Spread The Word About Teen Dating Violence

You know that February is the month many people celebrate Valentine’s Day, and you may also know that February is Heart Month (read our previous post for Heart Health tips). But did you know that February is also Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in America? In 2013, the president issued an official proclamation recognizing February…

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3 Heart Disease Prevention Lessons We Can Learn from the AHA’s Go Red For Women Campaign

February is not only the month of Valentine’s Day, it’s also the month the American Heart Association (AHA) shines the light on heart disease and women’s health during the Go Red for Women Heart Disease awareness campaign. Because studies show that heart disease is the #1 causes of death for women, the AHA takes the…

How To Avoid Getting a DWI on Labor Day Weekend
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How To Avoid Getting a DWI on Labor Day Weekend

Did you know? Every half hour, 1 person dies in a crash caused by a DWI over the Labor Day weekend? That number is twice as high as any other weekend throughout the year, making Labor Day weekend one of the most dangerous weekends for drivers, says Parker Scheer LLP. To help prevent DWI/DUI accidents,…