How To Deal With Your Mental Health When You’re a New Parent

How To Deal With Your Mental Health When You’re a New Parent

If you have recently become a new parent, you might be struggling with trying to take care of your new baby, yourself, and your home. There’s no how-to book that can help you along the way, but it is possible to figure out how you can balance taking care of yourself, your child, and other…

These Underrated Workouts Can Help You Overcome Addiction
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These Underrated Workouts Can Help You Overcome Addiction

Exercise can be beneficial for the mind and body, and it’s a good way to keep you on the right track when you’re working towards sobriety. But a study has found that a quarter of all adults in the US are not spending any of their free time on active pursuits. As a result, obesity rates…

The Physical Remedy: Employing Exercise To Empower Addiction Recovery
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The Physical Remedy: Employing Exercise To Empower Addiction Recovery

53% of Americans report that they feel better about themselves after exercising, according to the American Psychological Association. As such, exercise has a pretty positive reputation in being an effective way of self-improvement. In the case of those battling with alcoholism or substance addiction, exercise can also empower their recovery. So how exactly can exercise do that? …

DUI Prevention for The Holiday Season

DUI Prevention for The Holiday Season

The winter season has finally arrived bringing a few of the most highly celebrated holidays in the United States. Unfortunately, the holidays are notorious for a large count of DUI related arrests, accidents and fatalities. Driver’s across the nation have a responsibility to make the roads as safe as possible. This includes driving sober. Like…