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3 Heart Disease Prevention Lessons We Can Learn from the AHA’s Go Red For Women Campaign

February is not only the month of Valentine’s Day, it’s also the month the American Heart Association (AHA) shines the light on heart disease and women’s health during the Go Red for Women Heart Disease awareness campaign. Because studies show that heart disease is the #1 causes of death for women, the AHA takes the…

Does Alcohol Decrease Your Chances of Getting Heart Disease?…It Depends
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Does Alcohol Decrease Your Chances of Getting Heart Disease?…It Depends

The latest results published by national and international medical research shows that in many cases, drinking moderate amounts of alcohol DOES decrease symptoms that can lead to heart disease including heart attack, stroke or vascular disease. In some cases, symptoms were reduced by up to 40%. Here are some of the studies that back up…

February: The Month of Love & Heart Health Month
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February: The Month of Love & Heart Health Month

There are so many “official” observances in the month of February, including Valentine’s Day, Black History Month and President’s Day. As you set aside time to celebrate or remember these events, we also want you to be aware of two more important health observances that happen in February: American Heart Month and Teen Dating Violence…