Prescription Drugs & Drugged Driving: What Should You Know

Prescription Drugs & Drugged Driving: What Should You Know

There’s a high level of awareness concerning driving under the influence all over the United States. And truth be told, this is to be expected, considering the number of horrific DUI and DWI-related deaths and accidents every year. What many people aren’t aware of, however, is that DUI arrest isn’t only limited to driving with…

The Most Commonly Prescribed and Addictive Prescription Drugs

The Most Commonly Prescribed and Addictive Prescription Drugs

Commonly prescribed and addictive prescription drugs are a hot topic. And it’s no wonder why when you consider just a few proven facts. Did you know that 55% of Americans regularly take a prescription medication? People using doctor prescribed meds usually take an average of four in addition to over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements. The…

Why Do Doctors Prescribe Potentially Addictive Drugs?

Why Do Doctors Prescribe Potentially Addictive Drugs?

With the drug epidemic gripping our nation, the focus on its causes has never been sharper. Prescription drugs and how they are prescribed has become a hot topic, particularly questions like why do doctors prescribe potentially addictive drugs to their patients? Previously, we covered 10 of the most addictive prescription drugs and what makes them…