The Most Commonly Prescribed and Addictive Prescription Drugs

The Most Commonly Prescribed and Addictive Prescription Drugs

Commonly prescribed and addictive prescription drugs are a hot topic. And it’s no wonder why when you consider just a few proven facts. Did you know that 55% of Americans regularly take a prescription medication? People using doctor prescribed meds usually take an average of four in addition to over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and supplements. The…

How to Help a Loved One Who Relapses

How to Help a Loved One Who Relapses

When was the last time you joked by saying, “It’s driving me to drink”? Stress does crazy things. It triggers different reactions in different people, some hardly noticeable and others visibly detrimental. Exposure to too much stress for too long can contribute to anxiety. Anxiety leaves a person more susceptible to addiction. It’s a vicious…