Underage Drinking Facts that Every Parent Needs to Know

Underage Drinking Facts that Every Parent Needs to Know

The misconception that underage drinking is okay or acceptable is not limited to teens. Some parents condone it in their home while others are pretend to be oblivious and sing the “everyone has drank underage” song. Teenagers are getting smarter. Technology has helped teens pinpoint places where they can purchase alcohol, obtain a fake ID,…

How to Talk to Your Parents about Alcohol

How to Talk to Your Parents about Alcohol

North Carolina is becoming hip to the underage drinking problem and responded by starting a pilot program to help parents and teens like you address the problem. However, the best defense to feeling pressured about drinking is talking to your parents. Even though you come from two completely different generations, it doesn’t mean that they…

5 Ways to Talk to Your Teen about Drugs

5 Ways to Talk to Your Teen about Drugs

Some conversations are harder to have than others, but they are necessary. Opening dialogue between you and your teen about drugs is one of those uncomfortable but needed conversations. The problem most parents face is how to talk to their kids about drugs, especially their teens. According to ChildDevelopmentInfo.com, kids who feel comfortable talking to…

5 Things Parents Need to Know Before Talking About Underage Drinking

5 Things Parents Need to Know Before Talking About Underage Drinking

Parents, this article if for you. Speaking as a parent, let’s be honest; most of us associate underage drinking with high school seniors and college students. But did you know that roughly one-third of middle school students admit to trying alcohol? How can you talk to your tween or teen about underage drinking? You can…