The Challenge of Being a Parent in Recovery

The Challenge of Being a Parent in Recovery

Recovering from substance abuse is a tall order. It demands determination, motivation, and the want to change. It is crucial to seek and attain qualified professional help and ongoing support. Couple this with the challenge of being a parent in recovery, and you might be wondering how to recover without further harming your parent-child relationship….

How Substance Abuse Impacts Your Child
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How Substance Abuse Impacts Your Child

It’s a fact; you cannot be a perfect parent. No matter how good your intentions or how well thought out your actions, perfection is impossible. Yet, despite the impossibility of perfect parenting, your actions still impact your child. Every decision, good and bad, leaves an impression and shapes their future. Your substance use impacts your…

How a Strong Parent-Child Relationship Prevents Underage Drinking

How a Strong Parent-Child Relationship Prevents Underage Drinking

For almost everyone, their parents are the single most influential set of people in their lives. Whether your mom or dad were great, mediocre, or less than ideal, it was their presence (or lack of) that, at some point in your life, began to define who and what you would become. [su_quote cite=”Bob Keeshan” url=””]Parents…

How to Talk to Your Teen about Alcohol

How to Talk to Your Teen about Alcohol

Do conversations with your teen mimic the picture displayed above? Talking to your teen isn’t always easy. The pre-teen through teenage years are volatile. Your child is going through a huge number of changes from physical to mental to emotional. Think back to when you were your child’s age. How was your relationship with your…