How To Deal With Your Mental Health When You’re a New Parent

If you have recently become a new parent, you might be struggling with trying to take care of your new baby, yourself, and your home. There’s no how-to book that can help you along the way, but it is possible to figure out how you can balance taking care of yourself, your child, and other aspects of your life.
These suggestions can make it easier to help you make the necessary changes to help you deal with your mental health as you take care of your baby.
Make Time for Yourself
Make sure you are taking time for yourself when possible. This includes taking the time to get something to eat, having enough to drink, and resting when needed, especially if you were up late at night taking care of your child. While you might not get a lot of time, you should take what you can get for yourself when possible. This could be as short as 15 minutes or as long as an hour. All that matters is that you are making it possible for yourself to relax and try to feel comfortable when you can.
Seek Outside Help When Needed
Dealing with a new baby can be draining. It might be helpful to seek outside help so you can get the rest you need. A postpartum doula might be one option. This would give you the chance to get out of the house, take a shower, or even nap. A postpartum doula can help with other tasks besides taking care of the baby, such as light housekeeping. Some might be able to give pointers or suggestions on what you can do to manage your new workload.
You might consider getting a weekly housekeeping service or look for ways that allow you to automate certain tasks, such as a robot vacuum and mop, or getting an Instapot to help you make dinners. Don’t feel bad about cutting corners where you need to in order to get by.
Allow Yourself To Sleep When the Baby Sleeps
When your baby decides to take a nap, let yourself sleep, too. This is a good way to catch up on rest and give yourself the necessary energy to make it through the day (that doesn’t always end when the sun goes down).
One way to get more sleep is to get your baby used to sleep in their own room. If you have a baby monitor, this can make the situation easier, since you can easily hear your child if they wake up and need something. While it might take some time as you learn how to get your baby to sleep in a crib, you may find that once your child gets used to their room, they won’t wake as easily, and might even sleep through the night.
Give Yourself Grace
Above all, it is important to go easy on yourself and give yourself grace when you are dealing with a newborn baby. That is because it is easy to get overwhelmed, feel frustrated, or expect too much of yourself. When you are adjusting to a new person living with you, one who is not even fully able to communicate all their needs, it is important to only focus on the basics and give yourself time to adjust. Going the easy route during this time is the best thing you can do for your mental health.
Dealing with a newborn can be difficult, especially if you are a new parent. It is important to make time for yourself when you can so you do not feel overwhelmed. Seek outside help when necessary rather than trying to do everything on your own. Make sure to sleep when you can, especially when the baby is asleep. Finally, give yourself grace, and allow you and your baby to get used to one another. Small steps into your new life will help you the most as you learn to adjust.