Ignition Interlock Device North Carolina DWI

Should The Ignition Interlock Device Be Mandatory For All NC DWI’s?

Drive safely and responsibly. What do these words mean to you? Is this what comes to mind before someone decides to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol? We hope so. Yet many people don’t plan far enough in advance for a designated driver and don’t even think about calling a taxi to get them…

Underage Drinking and Driving Consequences | Absolute Advocacy NC DWI Agency
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The Problem With Underage Drinking In North Carolina And Why You Should Care

Alcohol is the most heavily abused substance by youth according to the US Surgeon general. We provide ADETS (Alcohol and Drug Education Training School) classes in the Charlotte and Concord area. As ADETS instructors, our main role is to provide education and give our clients a real support system to help them learn better behaviors…

Alcohol and the Law

Alcohol and the Law

Alcohol and the Law Everyone’s driving is impaired at a blood alcohol concentration, or BAC, of 0.08 percent, but many people are affected at much lower levels. Research shows that the risk of being involved in a crash increases when the alcohol level is 0.05 percent, and at 0.08 percent the risk of causing a…