The Damaging Effects of Food Addictions

Everyone has different cravings for food, but when your craving becomes overwhelming, and you lose control, you can fall into food addiction. Like drug addiction, food addiction involves uncontrollable urges that only cease when you have a fix. Although food isn’t as dangerous as addictive drugs, food addiction can damage your emotional and physical health. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression and isolation are some of the hazardous effects of food addiction.


Obesity affects people around the world, but it is especially prevalent in the United States. The abundance of convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, and processed food make it challenging for Americans to stay healthy. When you have a strong urge to binge eat, you’ll often choose unhealthy items to satisfy your cravings. Unfortunately, food addicts seldom look for fresh fruit, vegetables or whole grains when the urge to binge occurs. To calm your cravings, you can try a supplement like nucific bio x4 coupon. The supplement suppresses your urge to binge and may help you stabilize your habits and avoid obesity.

Type 2 Diabetes

Of the over 34 million Americans with diabetes, around 90% have type 2 diabetes. Although the disease mostly affects adults over forty-five years old, more children and young adults have contracted diabetes in recent years. Food addicts often rely on snacks or meals with high levels of sugar, and frequent sugar consumption can result in type 2 diabetes. Refined sugar is not a substance that the human body requires, but since it’s often introduced to children at a young age, sugary food is challenging to remove from your diet. Binge eating can lower your body’s insulin sensitivity and raise your postprandial glucose. An unstable blood sugar level can eventually lead to diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is treatable, but it can shorten your lifespan and result in death if it is not controlled.

Heart Disease

Another disturbing possible result of food addiction is heart disease. Compulsive eating can raise your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and since food addiction is typically associated with unhealthy food, your risk of heart disease increases when you frequently consume too much. Unhealthy Food with high levels of sugar, fat and cholesterol puts an enormous strain on your heart. Researchers believe that processed food companies have contributed to the temptation of binge eating by offering their unhealthy products in ready to eat containers that require little expense or effort to enjoy. Heart disease sits at the top of the list of deadly diseases in the world and affects both men and women. Although other factors such as smoking or obesity can lead to heart disease, you can lower your risks by limiting your unhealthy food intake.


The physical complications related to a food addiction are well documented, but the emotional toll of binge eating can also cause serious harm. Those that suffer from compulsive eating often feel guilty about their habits and have lower self-esteem. The negative feelings can build up and lead to severe bouts of depression. Like a physical ailment, depression can have a debilitating effect on a person’s life, and in severe instances, it can lead to physical harm or suicide. When a craving occurs, a binge session may bring temporary relief, but some individuals feel regretful after the relief and become depressed. If this cycle becomes a frequent occurrence, the depression may become more pronounced and lead to hospitalization.


Since the social stigmata of overeating are common in our society, most compulsive eaters choose to binge away from the crowd. To avoid ridiculing or body shaming from their peers, some food addicts isolate themselves. Isolation can insulate you from social criticism, but it can also increase the likelihood that unhealthy eating will continue unabated. Long periods of isolation can cause you to lose perspective with the outside world and can accelerate loneliness and depression. The consequences of food addiction are a serious concern if you cannot limit your intake of unhealthy substances. If you’re unable to change the compulsive need to binge, you may need assistance from medical professionals to avoid the hazardous effects of food addiction.

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One Comment

  1. Hello Morris, I liked the fact you made food as a topic. I don’t think people realize that it can happen. As families, people tend to eat the way your parents ate. I think that “prototypical overweight people” applied to my family. I looked at old Polaroids pictures in 1979-1980 wasn’t surprised that we were overweight. My dad and my older brother struggled for years to control their weight. My Dad’s weight and smoking along with blocked arteries (including genetics) led to major heart surgery. He had blocked arteries removed and later on, he had pacemaker/DEFIB implanted. My older brother had heart attack and same surgery my dad had. He was 36 when that happened. My older brother had gastric by pass over 10yrs ago. My little brother and me have done fairly well despite family history….Now I’m older and need to lose weight…..BL

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