What Happens During a North Carolina DWI Assessment?
Don’t drive drunk. Everyone knows not to, but that knowledge doesn’t always stop them. It can happen in a hundred ways, from drinks with the folks at the office after work to celebrating your best friend’s wedding. The event wraps up, you swagger to your car with that floaty feeling of happiness, and you get behind the wheel. You drive, and your blood alcohol level is beyond the legal threshold. What happens next?
Receiving a DWI
You might make it home without incident. Thousands of people drive buzzed or drunk and don’t get caught or cause an accident, but the risk they take is literally life and death. Every year, hundreds of people in North Carolina are pulled over or stopped at checkpoints where they receive a DWI charge for driving while impaired.
A DWI is serious. It means your bank account is about to take a hit if you ever hope to drive again. It means you broke the law and put your life and the lives of others at risk. It means you’re in the throes of a wakeup call; a call everyone hopes you’ll answer. And it means you’re probably going to hear about us.
DWI Assessments at Absolute Advocacy
Once a DWI has been issued and you’ve appeared in court, you will be legally required to take part in a DWI assessment followed by recommended treatment procedures. Your attorney will give you the names of agencies they trust to do good a job, and chances are that’s how you’ll hear about us.
We have successfully worked with thousands of people recovering from a DWI. The assessment is straightforward. Once you contact us and schedule a date for the assessment, we’ll discuss what you need. You’ll want to bring:
- A copy of your DWI citation
- Documentation of your BAC at the time of the offense
- A copy of your NC driving record and any out-of-state driving records
The DWI assessment, sometimes referred to as an alcohol assessment or evaluation is a confidential meeting with a certified or licensed substance abuse counselor. The point of the assessment is to review your history, discuss your DWI, and decide which level of treatment is best for you. Together, we will arrive at a recommended treatment plan so you can move forward.
A DWI assessment is good for six months. If you do not begin the arrived at treatment plan within six months, you will be required to take the assessment again, which means resupplying all of the required paperwork and sitting down for another assessment session.
The Importance of a Reputable DWI Service Provider
Not every DWI service provider is properly licensed or trained to provide appropriate assessments and treatments. Both your assessment and treatment plan must meet court mandates, otherwise they will be little more than a waste of your time and money. As such, the importance of a reputable DWI service provider is crucial. Always seek a recommendation from your attorney, and always confirm the legal legitimacy of the provider you choose.
A DWI is a serious charge. Together, we can work to reclaim your driving privileges. More importantly, we can help you avoid repeating your mistake in the future.
Do you need help handling your DWI in North Carolina? Contact us today. We’re here to help you get through this.