alcohol use disorder vs alcoholism
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Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) vs. Alcoholism

An AUD, or alcohol use disorder, is a term defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) to describe a person struggling with alcohol addiction. Aside from AUD, you may have heard many terms to describe an unhealthy relationship with alcohol: alcoholism, alcohol abuse, or alcohol dependence, among others. But what is…

Poverty, PTSD, and Addiction: A Cycle of Defeat
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Poverty, PTSD, and Addiction: A Cycle of Defeat

The poorest citizens in our country, often living in impoverished communities, are plagued by mental illnesses including substance abuse. We often see this as a problem that begins with an addiction that ruins a person’s finances and leads to poor mental health. However, living in an impoverished area can expose a person to constantly stressful…