How to Recognize Prescription Drug Abuse

How to Recognize Prescription Drug Abuse

When dealing with drug abuse, what is the first thing that comes to mind? For many, it’s illegal substances. Maybe cigarettes and alcohol are in the forefront of your awareness. But alongside the more disreputable substances are prescription drugs, which can be just as dangerous. And because they are recommended to us by medical professionals,…

Suboxone: The Controversial Treatment For Opioid Addiction

Suboxone: The Controversial Treatment For Opioid Addiction

Have people who are overcoming heroin or opioid addiction been “buped” by the drug industry? Buprenorphine, or “bupe” for short, is the drug commonly used to treat heroin abuse. Similar to the way heroin reacts to the brain, buprenorphine attaches to the brain’s opioid receptors, but it does not cause the user to experience the…

The Problem With Drug Addiction: How Do We Get Help To People Who Don’t Ask For It?

The Problem With Drug Addiction: How Do We Get Help To People Who Don’t Ask For It?

This article is more of a question, not an answer. A conversation, not a one-sided view. And since we don’t have the answer, let’s consider it open-ended… Question: How do people who are addicted to a substance get medical treatment if they don’t know they have a “problem”? With the recent reports of celebrity deaths…

The Role of Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery
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The Role of Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery

As we mentioned last week, the month of September is National Recovery Month. The goal of Recovery Month spreads the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, that prevention works, treatment is effective and people can and do recover. Following Recovery Month is National Substance Abuse Prevention month, during October, which focuses…