Marijuana and Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Marijuana and Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

Medical marijuana has been legalized in several states, and recreational marijuana use has been controversially legalized in a handful of states. According to USA Today, the majority of Americans today support the legalization of recreational marijuana, unlike the minority in 1969. As this drug gains legal status and popularity, many doctors are seeing an increase…

Mothers  and Prescription Pain Medications are Not a Good Mix

Mothers and Prescription Pain Medications are Not a Good Mix

Prescription pain medications are one of the easiest drugs for a person to develop an addiction to. Created for the purpose of pain relief and management, these drugs were never intended to be abused, but addiction to pain meds has become a growing problem. For some, the difference between relief and abuse is blurred. According…

Infant Care and Drug Addiction: Why It Matters

Infant Care and Drug Addiction: Why It Matters

Ask anyone how drug addiction affects pregnancy or infant care, and you’ll receive a slew of answers, all of which have one thing in common. Drug addiction affects both negatively. A recent NCBI study involving inner-city, low-income mothers in New Haven, Connecticut, delved deeper into the impact of drug addiction on infant care. The information…