Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Alcohol
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Empowering Boys: What Your Son Needs To Know About Alcohol

How early is too early to start talking to your children about substance use and abuse? It’s probably earlier than you think; a research review from the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism found that 9 in 10 European adolescents had their first drink before the age of 15. Many parents seem to think it’s OK for…

Effects of Trauma on Children
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Effects of Trauma on Children

Abuse, neglect, and exposure to unhealthy conditions in the home are the reality for too many of our children. And too often, the adults in their lives respond with unhelpful diagnoses, therapy that addresses the behavior instead of the root, and ineffective support which leaves them vulnerable to all manner of future problems. Here’s a…

Empowering Girls: What Your Daughter Needs To Know About Marijuana

Empowering Girls: What Your Daughter Needs To Know About Marijuana

How early should you start talking to your daughter about marijuana and alcohol? It might be earlier than you think; one survey found that fourteen percent of minors admitted for alcohol and drug treatment started using cannabis before age 13. While girls statistically seem to start a little later than boys, it’s always better to…