Advantages of Proactive DUI Treatment

It might not be common knowledge, but many people arrested for DUI have no prior criminal record and have not been in trouble with the law. If you are charged with a crime, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, frightened, and even guilty.

Despite all those negative feelings, it is crucial to be proactive if you are charged with a DUI. One way to be proactive is to enroll in online DUI classes. Keep in mind that the longer you wait to take action, the less likely you will find a favorable outcome to your case.

Taking proactive steps now rather than waiting for a court mandate has peerless advantages. For starters, you will not only get the treatment you need sooner, but you might also impress the judge handling your case.

What are Some of the Benefits of Proactive DUI Treatment?

You will be able to face your issues and resolve them as soon as possible.

When arrested for DUI, most people assume (police officers, friends, family, and even employers), you have an alcohol problem. Fortunately, programs that offer alcohol assessment and treatment are easily accessible and can be researched online.

If you have an alcohol problem, the sooner you face the issue, the sooner you will address it. When you seek a private and independent assessment, your proactive action might also impress the trial judge. Also, in the event of a conviction, it will be a lot easier for your attorney to negotiate a favorable deal on your behalf.

It can help your attorney negotiate a lesser sentence.

In some cases, your attorney might recommend that you attend a DUI-DWI school before your plea of guilty or your trial. This proactive move can be very beneficial in a lot of ways.

If there has been an administrative suspension of your license, completion of the classes might help you get your full driver’s license again. Attending a DUI school might also provide your attorney with some leverage to obtain a reduced charge.

Voluntarily attending DUI classes will also show the prosecution your willingness to accept responsibility for your actions. If found guilty of DUI, attending a DUI school will likely be a part of your sentence anyway.

If you have completed your DUI classes, you’ll have one less thing to attend to after your case has been resolved.

What are Ways You Can Be Proactive?

Ensure you have a clean driving history before your case reaches trial or final disposition.

When lawyers take on DUI-DWI cases, they also want to be aware of past violations, including traffic infractions. In line with this, you need to fully disclose any pending traffic matters or criminal actions against you.

It should also include reckless driving, speeding, or any other traffic offenses against you that are pending. The importance of ensuring you have a clean record is two-fold. First, if you have other legal matters over your head, your attorney might not be able to make any negotiations on your behalf.

Second, if found guilty of a DUI-DWI offense, almost anything can be used for and against you. When you clean up your record, you will also be showing the judge that you are taking charge of your impaired driving tendencies, legal problems, and life.

Make sure you have available funds to cover the cost of your criminal defense.

When arrested for DUI, you will be facing significant expenses throughout the process. Costs may include but will not be limited to bond money, attorney fees, professional fees for investigators, experts, process experts, forensic experts, field sobriety experts, etc.

Lastly, if convicted, you will have to pay a monetary fine, either through your probation officer or to the court directly.

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