Pros and Cons of remote work on your mental health

Workplace Mental Health: Pros & Cons of Remote Work

According to the Pew Research Center: 20% of Americans were working home before the pandemic 71% were working from home as of December 2020 54% may want to keep working from home after the pandemic Since we spend so much of our time working, the choice between working from home or working in the office…

Workplace Mental Health: Should You Disclose Your Mental Illness?

Workplace Mental Health: Should You Disclose Your Mental Illness?

If you are currently living with a mental illness, it’s important to know how to advocate for yourself and your needs. This can mean educating friends and family about your illness and your needs, speaking up for yourself to your healthcare team, and, sometimes, choosing to tell your manager or human resources department about your…

How Capitalism is Exacerbating The US COVID-19 Crisis

How Capitalism is Exacerbating The US COVID-19 Crisis

Last year, we posted an article titled “Mental Illness in America: How Capitalism is Feeding Our Mental Health Crisis“. But that was in 2019, when things were still normal.  Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic having changed life as we know it over the past six months, it’s time to re-examine the ways that capitalism –…

We’re here to support you with online DWI classes and other online services during this critical time of need!

Online DWI / DUI Classes in North Carolina As residents of North Carolina navigate the COVID-19 global pandemic together, we want you to know that we’ve made changes to our business practices in an effort to serve you best. Absolute Advocacy has been working tirelessly to develop an authentic and engaging method of online education…