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5 Unique Strategies to Fight Depression

Depression can leave you feeling helpless and exhausted if you don’t find some coping strategies. There are some ways you can take control of the situation and improve your life. Below are some proven strategies to fight this serious condition.

1. Volunteer to help others.

It is no secret that being around other people and helping others is good for the soul. Everyday Health espouses the many benefits of volunteering. Pleasant interaction with others causes the release of oxytocin which is a feel-good hormone that keeps stress at bay and promotes goodwill with others.

Spending too much time alone is never a good thing. As social creatures, it is important that we meet others and make new friends. Volunteering provides the opportunity to work with others who share your values.

2. Go on a travel adventure.

If you want to forget about your troubles, then there is no better way to do that then to hit the road and see some new sights. Do your research and check out the best family cruises, weather reports, and airline discounts to plan your next adventure.

Lifehack reminds us that when you travel, it gives you a larger big-picture perspective. It is far too easy to get bogged down in day-to-day drudgery when all you seem to do is pay bills, clean the house, mow the lawn, and run errands. Traveling forces us out of those boring routines and replaces them with new sights, new smells and everything different.

Imagine taking one of those best family cruises you selected and climbing aboard a cruise ship saying Bon Voyage to life as you know it, and hello to exotic destinations. Planning this type of trip makes it impossible to stay blue.

3. Spend time with a pet.

Pets are wonderfully loving creatures. They are also funny. If you watch them long enough, they are sure to bring a smile to your face. Who can resist those big, brown puppy eyes that look at us so lovingly?

Nurturing a pet makes it difficult to stay down. Who can resist the unconditional love that a pet offers up so freely? We all respond to affection and need it to remain mentally healthy. There’s a logical reason that so many people own pets. They lift us up.

4. Be creative and express yourself artistically.

Curiosity is a wonderful human emotion that can transport us from a place of sadness where we dwell on what we don’t like to a better mental space contemplating what could be. BuzzFeed recommends pursuing creative pursuits as an excellent way to challenge yourself and focus on something new.

When you are feeling blue, that’s the precise time when you should pick up a paintbrush or a pen and start writing that novel. Simply expressing yourself in some new way is sure to move you forward. Whether you want to paint a mural, design a piece of jewelry, play music or redecorate your home, it doesn’t matter what you do. The sense of accomplishment you feel will pave a path towards feeling more joy in life.

5. Create a “Wellness Plan” you can use daily.

If you plan for periods of depression and have “go-to” coping strategies that you can use, then you can fight the symptoms of depression and win. HelpGuide recommends employing a few of the ideas from your wellness plan each day. Having a list of mood-boosting activities written down can help remind you of some things you can do to elevate your mental state.

Some ideas for your list might be to take a short walk, listen to a favorite CD, drink a cup of hot tea, take a hot bath, watch a funny TV show, and call a friend. Since we are all different people and enjoy certain activities, your list will be quite personal.

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