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These Underrated Workouts Can Help You Overcome Addiction

Exercise can be beneficial for the mind and body, and it’s a good way to keep you on the right track when you’re working towards sobriety. But a study has found that a quarter of all adults in the US are not spending any of their free time on active pursuits. As a result, obesity rates have continued to escalate over the years, and a recent survey has found that 46 percent of all American adults are estimated to have hypertension. People have various reasons why they don’t exercise at all, and some say that they’re too tired to workout, while others admit to being easily bored with their regular exercise routine. If you can relate to the latter excuse, don’t worry. If you’re tired of jogging, biking, or going to the gym, there are other types of workouts that can help you to stay healthy, sober, and have fun at the same time. Check out these underrated workouts to help you overcome addiction.


Most people think that gymnastics is best learned at a young age, but adults can also benefit from this type of exercise as it’s a great way to stay strong and flexible throughout your life. Moreover, it’s an excellent way to get in a positive frame of mind to fight addiction. Not only does learning gymnastics help you to fight depression, but it can also help you become more confident as you master challenging routines. In an interview, Cirque du Soleil performer Joe Putignano said that after two life-threatening overdoses, he was finally able to get back on his feet with the help of gymnastics. The performer, who battled cocaine and heroin addiction, also said that no drugs in the world can compare to the “grace and joy of the movement.” 

To practice gymnastics at home, start by mastering basic moves, such as forward rolls and cartwheels, making sure to have a spotter to avoid injuries. You may also use simple equipment to strengthen and tone muscles, such as gymnastic wooden rings. By doing pull ups, push ups, and ring rows with this type of equipment, you can improve your mobility and strength, as well as your coordination and focus. If you’d rather take a class, you can enroll in adult gymnastic classes or follow along to a beginner’s gymnastics class online.

Rock Climbing

All types of exercise can help to encourage the body to produce endorphins, which can give one a sense of general wellbeing. But some workouts, such as rock climbing, can be quite effective to help one overcome addiction. According to one study, climbers who lose themselves in the activity enter a mindset that can create a sense of joy and peace. The study also revealed that rock climbing can even reduce emotional pain and help one to become happier. Those who have inner calm and peace are less likely to turn to alcohol or drugs and are most likely to live a healthy and positive lifestyle. Try wall climbing at an indoor climbing gym first to master the basics, then once you’re more skilled, challenge yourself by going rock climbing outdoors. Time spent outdoors can lower stress levels and help you to feel more empowered. 

Ballet workouts

Most people with low self esteem have been bullied, abused, belittled, or harshly criticized, and they may turn to alcohol and drugs to cope with the negative experiences that they’ve been through. This is why building one’s self worth is essential to overcome addiction, and one way to do that is by doing regular ballet workouts. Ballet dancing or ballet-inspired workouts can help you to feel happier and more comfortable in your own skin. Moreover, it can boost your self esteem, helping you to love yourself more so you can be on your path to recovery. You can attend ballet-style workouts such as Barre Fitness in gyms that offer these classes, or follow along to an easy ballet exercise routine on YouTube. 

Exercise can be fun, and what’s more, the right workout can help you overcome negative behavior and enable you to make better choices in life. Try these workouts to live a happier and healthier lifestyle and beat addiction for good.  

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