Substance Abuse Counselors: Where You Work Matters

Substance Abuse Counselors: It Matters Where You Work

Job opportunities for substance abuse counselors are on the rise. According to the U.S. News, substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors are the third best social services job of 2024. The median salary is $49,710, and the projected jobs reach 71,500. Thanks to an increase in virtual service options, substance abuse counselors now have both…

Professional Boundaries for Virtual Substance Abuse Services

Telehealth Professional Boundaries for Substance Abuse Counselors

Substance abuse counselors are in a unique position to offer their services in both in-person and digital settings. The rise of virtual visits as a standard of care and service within the mental health field brings exponential benefits and new challenges. Today’s blog post will discuss professional boundaries in telehealth and cover how to ensure…

How To Connect With Your Clients Online

How to Connect with Patients Online

North Carolina’s transition to allowing the use of online DUI/DWI education when granted special permission has opened the door to greater access for residents and counselors alike. The digital landscape has presented some unique challenges. One of the biggest challenges for counselors is how to connect with patients online. In this blog, we’ll discuss how…

Professional Boundaries for Substance Abuse Counselors and Clinicians

Professional Boundaries for Substance Abuse Counselors and Clinicians

So, what are your professional boundaries? Are you a substance abuse or addiction counselor or seeking to become one? Watch as Yvonne Ward, LCAS, CCS, teaches the 4 key areas of maintaining professional boundaries with clients and substance abuse counseling professionals. When we talk about professional boundaries, we are referring to the ethical guidelines and…