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DUI Prevention for The Holiday Season

The winter season has finally arrived bringing a few of the most highly celebrated holidays in the United States.

Unfortunately, the holidays are notorious for a large count of DUI related arrests, accidents and fatalities. Driver’s across the nation have a responsibility to make the roads as safe as possible. This includes driving sober.

Like every year, we would like to remind everybody to drive safely responsibly during this holiday season.

Driving Under the Influence

Although each state has different penalties for DUIs, by law, all 50 of them have a legal limit blood alcohol content of .08%. Anyone over the legal drinking age who reaches or surpasses the legal BAC is considered too impaired to operate a motor vehicle. However, all drivers must understand that a DUI or DWI does not only involve alcohol. Any substance that can impair your judgement, reaction time and focus is a major risk. This includes cannabis and prescription medication.

DUI & Alcohol Related Accident Statistics

Preventing DUIs and Accidents

The most effective way to prevent holiday crashes and fatalities is to always drive sober and cautiously, especially during this time of year when the likelihood of being involved in an accident with an intoxicated driver is higher than usual. Here are some other ways you can prevent a serious DUI related accident or arrest:

If You See an Intoxicated Driver

If you were to spot suspicious or reckless signs of driving, it is recommended to keep as far away from the driver as you can. There’s a chance they might be intoxicated if you notice these red flags:

If you see anyone driving dangerously, you have the ability to report it. First, pull over to a safe spot and call highway patrol to report what you saw. Even though it might just be a suspicion, your local police will be able to determine if the driver was driving under the influence.

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