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3 Ways Your Appearance Changes When You Quit Drinking

Alcohol has become a normal part of society in the United States, but things aren’t always as they seem. While having a glass of wine (or two…or three) on a night out might sound like a normal part of socializing, this can have harmful effects we’re not talking about. A reported 86% of people over the age of 17 have consumed alcohol at some point in their lifetime, and we’re starting to see a greater amount of alcohol abuse.

While having a drink on occasion is hardly a problem, the issue arises when you’re no longer in control of your consumption. In the United States, there’s a strong belief that the only way to have a good time is to include alcohol in the equation. Unfortunately, an estimated 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes in America every year.

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There are a lot of long-term and short-term health risks of ongoing alcohol abuse, but one of the ways most people don’t really realize is the way alcohol impacts your appearance. Alcohol, like other addictive substances, really can take a toll on the outside of your body just as much as the inside.

How exactly does your appearance change when you quit drinking for good? In this post, we’ll explain just a few of the most common ways. While everyone’s body reacts differently to alcohol, there are many things you can look forward to when you leave drinking in the past.

If you or someone you know is struggling to get sober, take a moment to view The 7 Addiction Recovery Steps Needed to Get Sober Now. A brighter future doesn’t have to be far away.

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1. You’ll Lose Extra Weight

It’s no surprise that alcohol helps you gain weight. Not only does drinking alcohol stimulate your appetite, leading to more food consumption, but it also comes with a lot of extra calories. Calories from alcohol are basically empty calories. They have no nutritional value.

In addition, alcohol makes it harder for your body to burn fat. The longer you drink to excess, the more difficult it will be for your body to effectively burn fat. When you stop drinking alcohol, your body learns how to burn fat faster, resulting in weight loss and better health. Of course, you’ll also be more in control of your body, leading to smarter choices about what you eat.

You can’t argue with the facts. In 2015, a study found that drinking alcohol increases the risk for weight gain, and it might even be one of the causes of obesity. While quitting alcohol alone won’t lead to a major difference in body weight, it’s a big step on a way to better living.

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2. Your Skin Will Clear

We all know that getting clear skin is easier said than done. Having a skincare routine is only one part of the story. When you drink excessive alcohol, your skin is affected as well. Mainly, alcohol dehydrates your skin like it does the rest of your body.

Drinking heavily over time can lead to permanent damage to your skin. Rosacea is a skin disorder that’s very common for those who drink excessively. With rosacea, the skin usually on the face is prone to redness. This can eventually lead to facial disfigurement if you’re not careful.

The trick to healthy, glowing skin is the right diet. That means eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients as well as staying hydrated. None of that is possible when you’re regularly consuming alcohol, especially if it’s being abused. Many people who go sober report their skin is clear and glowing, no matter their age.

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3. Your Hair Will Be Healthier

Last but not least, your hair will be much healthier. As we’ve mentioned time and time again, alcohol consumption causes high levels of dehydration. In addition, it affects your body’s estrogen and zinc levels, leading to unhealthy hair. If your hair doesn’t have the right nutrients, it can’t grow healthy and strong.

Those who have an addiction to alcohol usually have dull, lifeless hair that might even be prone to falling out. That’s not a look anyone wants to suffer with. Luckily, you can reverse this damage by introducing these key nutrients back into your body. Soon, once you’ve given up alcohol, your hair will begin to look more thick and rich with nutrients. This will lead to brighter hair color, more fullness, and an overall better appearance.

Choose Your Health First

While we might all worry about our appearance, it’s really our health that should be put first. Even if you’re a casual drinker, alcohol will have a toll on your health in one form or another. One of the most visual changes is how it affects our appearance.

As soon as you give up alcohol, it’s amazing just how fast your appearance will change. You’ll look more vibrant, in shape, and healthy. In addition to all of these big changes above, you’ll also experience less puffiness, less bloating, a slimmer appearance, clearer eyes, and smoother skin. Your smile will change as well, your dental health will improve because alcohol has a bad impact on dents, gum, breath, and oral hygiene. You will be more flexible in choosing dental insurance plan if your dental health is on a better level.

Better yet, you don’t have to wait to see a difference. As soon as your body is able to clear the last of the alcohol from your system, you’ll notice some big changes. Your youthfulness and health will slowly but surely come back as your body is rehydrated and introduced to rich nutrients.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol abuse, it’s time for a change. Don’t wait until your appearance is suffering to take action. Your health is worth it.

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