Now Offering Online DWI Assessments and DWI Classes!
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What to do if you get a DWI in North Carolina

  1. The first thing you need to do after your Driving While Impaired arrest is to contact an attorney and get your DWI Assessment completed. This will make the rest of the process much easier. It will help you get your driving permit after 10 days during the “Civil Revocation” period. The “Civil Revocation” period is when they take your driver’s license on the spot during your arrest.
  2. Once you complete your DWI Assessment with Absolute Advocacy, we will send it directly to your attorney, probation officer or others you need to inform. You will not have to come back to pick anything up. You will have the results of your assessment when you leave.
  3. At your trial, the Judge might ask if you have completed or at least started your DWI classes or groups. If you cannot start the DWI classes before trial, get them started as soon as possible. You will be required to complete all classes before the NC Division of Motor Vehicle will give your license back.

Below is a video of Attorney Yolanda Trotman of The Law Office of Yolanda M. Trotman  presenting an overview of the process:


Absolute Advocacy – Charlotte

1977 J N Pease Place Suite 104
Charlotte, NC 28262
Phone: (704) 274-2978

Absolute Advocacy – Concord

3 Union Street South
Suite 210,
Concord, NC 28025
Phone: (704) 215-4095
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