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What is North Carolina’s Zero Tolerance Law?


Did you know that most of the people killed in alcohol-related crashes include teenage drivers and passengers? According to, in 2019, fifteen to nineteen-year-olds accounted for 975 alcohol related crashes on North Carolina roadways, resulting in 9 fatalities. The fact is too many people still fail to realize the danger of mixing alcohol with driving. As a result, North Carolina has a zero tolerance law when it comes to underage drinking.

The Zero Tolerance Law makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drive after consuming alcohol. The law also applies to drug use. In the state of North Carolina, you are breaking the law if you are under the age of 21 and you:

Under 21 and Convicted of Drunk Driving in North Carolina

What happens if a person under the age of 21 is caught and convicted of driving after consuming alcohol? Driving drunk costs you big and North Carolina’s Zero Tolerance Law outlines strict, impactful consequences:

Add to this list the additional ramifications of an underage drinking conviction. For those under 21, this means:

Additional penalties are in place for anyone under the age of 21 who is convicted of purchasing or attempting to purchase alcoholic beverages.

The Problem of Underage Drinking in North Carolina

Why does North Carolina take such a strict and costly approach to punishing underage drinkers and those who drive drunk? Consider: in a 2009 national survey, 14.3 percent of adolescents in NC had consumed alcohol within the past month, and another 8.9 percent had engaged in binge drinking. Additionally, 39 percent of 8th graders, 58 percent of 10th graders, and 72 percent of 12th graders reported trying alcohol at least once in their lifetime.

Alcohol and driving don’t mix just as much as alcohol and underage drinking don’t miss. North Carolina’s Zero Tolerance Law is a concentrated effort to discourage drunk driving and teach underage drinkers to consequences of their actions.

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