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The Heroin Hug


It’s not a “street” drug. It’s an every kid drug. When it comes to heroin, it doesn’t matter who you are because it doesn’t discriminate in even the smallest of ways. From the most unlikely of users to the ones you would expect, it can turn anyone into an addict with a thing called the heroin hug.

Heroin is one of the most dangerous illicit drugs dealt in the US. Have you ever wondered what makes people use it? Imagine being wrapped in the world’s biggest, warmest, most welcoming hug. Now, imagine having access to that hug at almost any time. Imagine it being on demand for good and bad days alike. If you could wrap yourself in a needed or wanted hug whenever you wanted, would you?

Why People Use

Every year, thousands of people suffer the effects of heroin use. Our country is up against a raging epidemic, and the only way to beat it is to focus on prevention which means education. Have your friends tried to get you to try heroin? Did you do it? It doesn’t matter if you’ve felt heroin’s hug or not, just the thought of such a good feeling piques curiosity.

Why do people use drugs like heroin? Lots of reasons. Some make sense, and some don’t, but if you’ve ever felt like you needed relief, wanted to feel free, or needed to fit in, you can relate to some of the top reasons why people try and use drugs. People have been getting synthetic urine to help pass drug test, can labs detect synthetic urine? Is a question people ask, click above to find out.

The Hidden Hug of Heroin

But the heroin hug isn’t exactly as it appears or feels. It deceives thousands of youth to its deadly consequences.  While the initial high might feel good, it is rapidly replaced by very real, very unwanted side effects. Users often experience:

Heroin’s long-term effects can cause lapses in judgement leading to unsafe behaviors with deadly results. The drug’s addictive qualities make users crave it in larger, more frequent amounts, increasing their risk of an overdose.

Have You Tried Heroin?

It might sound like the cool thing to do. After all, you’ve likely had friends who have tried it. Why shouldn’t you? Or maybe you already have, and you know firsthand how great it feels to have a heroin high. Don’t let this drug’s hug fool you. Limited and prolonged use have serious ramifications and can both result in a substance abuse or addiction issue.

Did you know the number of heroin addicts has exploded in the last decade? According to Business Insider, the number of US heroin users has increased by some 300,000. Teams just like us who help people overcome addiction have seen a visible increase in the number of local youth struggling with heroin use and abuse.

If you’re thinking about trying heroin, stop! You don’t need a drug to feel good or fit in. In fact, saying no to heroin is one of the best decisions you can ever make. Want to know why? Stay tuned because we’re going to be helping you discover just how to stay no to illicit drugs.

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