How To Avoid Getting a DWI on Labor Day Weekend
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How To Avoid Getting a DWI on Labor Day Weekend

Did you know? Every half hour, 1 person dies in a crash caused by a DWI over the Labor Day weekend? That number is twice as high as any other weekend throughout the year, making Labor Day weekend one of the most dangerous weekends for drivers, says Parker Scheer LLP. To help prevent DWI/DUI accidents,…

ADETS Classes From the DWI Student’s Perspective
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ADETS Classes From the DWI Student’s Perspective

Every day we have the opportunity to help someone with a problem they have with alcohol and drug use. Whether they come to us for substance abuse treatment or an alcohol assessment because of a DWI, we know that it is not always easy for people to come to us for help. When clients come…

Drunk Driving Prevention and The Effectiveness of Media Campaigns

Drunk Driving Prevention and The Effectiveness of Media Campaigns

From catchy slogans like Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk to now popular, Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving, the AdCouncil has been behind some of the most influential drunk driving prevention programs across the country. Millions of dollars are spent every year to spread awareness and encourage responsible behavior for drivers. Campaign Focus Since 1980,…