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Signs and Symptoms of Codeine Addiction

Codeine is a prescription drug used to manage moderate to severe pain. Despite its primary use as a temporary, short-term pain reliever, its narcotic nature makes it highly addictive. Some people develop a dependency problem while using it for legitimate medical purposes. Spotting the signs and symptoms of a codeine addiction can save a life and expedite getting the right help early on.

Spotting the Symptoms

Codeine abuse varies among users and is contingent on the length of use and amount of dosages ingested. Addiction cases are earmarked by a series of behavioral, physical, and psychological symptoms. If you are taking codeine and worried you might be developing a dependency, physical symptoms will likely stand out the most. Those include:

Behavioral symptoms are sometimes more readily seen by others. If you suspect someone using codeine is addicted to or abusing the drug, look for:

Psychological symptoms vary in severity, but it is common for addicts to experience hallucinations and delusions. Lack of emotions while high is also common, and addicts can suffer from memory loss or blackouts.

Signs of a Codeine Use Problem

If you’re concerned that a loved one is abusing or addicted to codeine, behavioral queues are a major indicator. Since the drug is available by prescription only, one of the telltale signs of an issue is increased hospital or medical visits and “doctor shopping,” which is the act of visiting numerous doctors with the goal of obtaining multiple prescriptions.

Stealing prescriptions or medication, prescription forgery, and healthcare fraud are three other behavioral queues that strongly indicate a substance issue. The consequences of these actions are far reaching and can include both arrest and incarceration. While proper substance abuse and addiction treatment is the best answer, one cannot escape the legal ramifications of their actions. If you suspect someone of taking extreme or illegal measures to obtain a supply of codeine, don’t delay in approaching them and offering to assist in getting help. An intervention might be needed.

Kicking a codeine habit is tough, but it isn’t impossible. Evidence-based treatment options and substance abuse counseling are among the most successful treatment plans. Anyone who is struggling with a physical dependency to the drug should avoid stopping cold turkey and consult a qualified medical professional. Entering withdrawal is best done under the supervision of a trained medical professional.

If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to codeine, we can help. Contact one of our convenient offices located in Concord or Charlotte to learn about our drug programs and substance use help options today!

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