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New National Push From NTSB Could Lower Legal Limit For DWI From .08 To .05

A new intervention and prevention campaign by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) could mean one drink is too many for safe driving limits.

The NTSB recently released Reaching Zero: Actions to Eliminate Alcohol-Impaired Driving, a safety report that outlines the board’s findings from a year-long effort to prevent substance and alcohol impaired driving. According to the report, the legal limit of .08 in most states in the US and Canada is the highest in the world. Most countries including South American and European countries have a limit of .05 or lower. The board also reported that about 1 person is killed every hour by an impaired driver. The goal of the Reaching Zero initiative is to lower the number of DWI deaths, accidents and injuries.

Highlights From The National Transportation Safety Board’s Reach Zero Safety Report

A Message For Drivers

NTSB Chairman stated: “Alcohol-impaired crashes are not accidents, they are crimes. They can – and should – be prevented.”

If states adopt the lower BAC rates, even one drink might be too much. As always, we encourage you to think before you drink and drive.

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