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Are North Carolina ADETS Classes Effective in Preventing DWI’s?

Are ADETS Classes in North Carolina Effective - NC DWI

For the past several years, North Carolina has consistently been among the states reporting the highest number of deaths related or caused by people who drive while impaired. This invites the question of whether the right programs and systems are in place to lower these numbers. In this article, we provide an overview of the scope of this problem and a brief look at the role ADETS classes in North Carolina play in DWI education and prevention.

The (NCADD) reports nationwide DWI Statistics:

Here’s what those numbers look like in North Carolina (Statistics as of 2012)

[Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration]

In 1983, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted the Safe Roads Act. This act repealed all previous laws on drunk driving in North Carolina and replaced them with a single offense of “Driving While Impaired–DWI.” Under the new classification of DWI, in North Carolina, driving while impaired can be proven in one of two ways:

The North Carolina Drivers Handbook explains the necessity and objectives of NC DWI Laws are to:

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) National Center for Statistics and Analysis, North Carolina ranks among the top 10 states for alcohol-impaired driving deaths in the country.

One of the challenges with DWI cases is implementing effective programs designed to prevent repeat offenses. In North Carolina, programs such as ADETS (Alcohol and Drug Education Traffic School) have proven successful in providing both education and prevention needed to help lower these numbers. By addressing the reasons people drink and drive as well as educating first time offenders of the laws and consequences of their actions, ADETS programs have become an important part of long term prevention of DWI cases in North Carolina.

North Carolina ADETS classes cover:

  1. The scope of the DWI problem in the U.S. and in North Carolina
  2. The consequences of driving with impaired
  3. Taking personal responsibility for their impaired driving decision
  4. The legal system and the implications of being arrested for DWI in North Carolina
  5. Feelings and responsibilities attached to their legal situation

Is this the only solution? Of course not, however, ADETS classes are an important part of the system for effectively lowering the number of deaths, accidents and injuries related to DWI’s in North Carolina. We’ll continue to explore the impact ADETS classes have on reducing DWI cases. Feel free to join in on the discussion by leaving a comment here or by connecting with us on Facebook.


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